Wednesday, April 24, 2019

CANADA Week 91-April 23, 2019

Rooftops of Montreal.

Sorry for being the worst at emailing, and now I don't know where to start as to what has been going on here in Montreal, but I can say that God is good, and things are warming up.

During the Easter Season my thoughts have often times been drawn back to the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. We just met an old guy named Guy from Scotland on the way here to the library, and he asked us, "Cest quoi le mot qui fait en sorte quon croit en Jesus Christ?" (What is the one word that makes us believe in Jesus Christ?) He proceeded to say, "La resurrection." Which you can probably figure out haha. Christ prepared our eternities over 2000 years ago when He broke the bands of death, and it affects you TODAY. How can we better follow Him?

Tad R Callister said, "For those few moments in the eternal spectrum called mortality the Savior yielded to the mortal plight; He submitted to the inhumanity of man; His body longed for sleep; He hungered; He felt the pains of sickness.  He was in all respects subject to every mortal failing experienced by the human family.  Not once did He raise the shield of godhood in order to soften the blows.  Not once did He don the bulletproof vest of divinity.  That He also had godly powers did not make His suffering any less excruciating, any less poignant, or any less real.  To the contrary, it is for this very reason that His suffering was more, not less, than His mortal counterparts could experience.  He took upon him infinite suffering, but chose to defend with only mortal faculties, with but one exception - His godhood was summoned to hold off unconsciousness and death that would otherwise overpower a mere mortal when He reached his threshold of pain.  For the Savior, however, there would be no such relief.  His divinity would be called upon, not to immunize him from pain, but to enlarge the receptacle that would hold it.  He simply brought a larger cup to hold the bitter drink."

We are staying another transfer, and we are excited to see miracles. The church Easter service was wonderful. An old man came and brought his flask of wine to drink with him haha. Remember to remember Christ with your thoughts, actions, and words.

Elder Wilson

Visiting Quebec and broken Elder Cortez.

Chris and Sara are wonderful! They made us some tacos from the Dominican Republic.
Gabriel's baptism.
This crazy guy makes hot sauce for a living. This one is so hot that he can't legally sell it, and so we had to try some! He used a syringe to get it haha. We thought we were going to die!
A bear in the streets of Montreal. He was pulling the poor kids all over the place.
Goobers at church.
Thanks to the Howell's for the Easter surprise! We love you!!
We had to cross a small lake to get to the next appointment . . . . things are wet in Montreal!

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