Tuesday, March 5, 2019

CANADA Week 84-March 5, 2019

Coolest guy ever. He was looking for the church of Christ and found it.

It feels like spring here in Montreal!  think we are just getting too used to the cold, but the sun has been out and people have been happy. We also went back up to Quebec this week and saw the contrast. Literally the snow in front of houses is 10 feet tall and goes all the way up to their roofs haha. I love it.

A sweet experience this week that broadened my perspective:

We were teaching Berthier who just got baptized and his friend Danny. We get there, and they had literally been praying for HOURS to prepare themselves for our visit. We sat down on the ground with them and shared the plan of salvation. Danny was listening so intently that he received revelation and understood what we shared and was begging for more. He is 60 years old, and was one of the most humble men I have ever met. I understood in that moment that the Kingdom of Heaven is for those who are humble like children and seek after knowledge. If we seek, God is happy to answer. Nephi testifies of this truth when he explains to his brothers:

"Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said?—If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you."

I got to exchange with Elder Tarati and Elder Rossi and Elder Cortez this week. It was a blast of previous companions, and we saw miracles. They are still as crazy as ever haha.

I love being here, and Elda Smith is the coolest. That is how all the Nigerian peoples here say Elder. God is good, and He wants you to be happy. So lets do it👍

Eating Egusi soup.

Ukrainian dinner with the best!

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