Wednesday, August 15, 2018

CANADA Week 55-August 14, 2018

Je suis en balloon . . . . 

That title doesn't actually make any sense, but it makes me laugh every time haha. It is a Quebec way of saying that I am pregnant . . . Elder Amichia just taught it to me this week. 

I have certainly seen and received a clear knowledge of the fact that by the Lord brings about great and wonderful things by small means (1 Nephi 16:29).

We even had some experiences with that truth this week. Ex 1- We were discussing with one of our friends who recently has been going through a time of change and difficulty in her daily life. We decided to open the Book of Mormon, and we were prompted to let her choose which chapter she would like to read (previously she has only read a few chapters). So she hesitated and flipped some pages and turned to Mosiah 24... So we started to read it, and afterwards she let us know that it was like the book was speaking to her. The word of God is powerful, and brings comfort as well as change. This is one of the verses that she really appreciated:

"And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord."

Ex 2- A few days ago we met a Haitian lady on the road, and she had to get to her bus, so she kinda just yelled her address at us. We didn't hear too clearly, but we thought we heard a number and a road so we passed by another night. We got there, and it was a large block with 8 apartments... We only had 5 minutes, so we took a moment to think and decided to go to apartment 2. We knocked and it was a man. We asked if Asafie (the woman) lived there, and he said no, but they happened to be friends. She actually lived on an entirely different road, but we started talking with this man, and now not only can we find Asafie, but we will be able to teach her friend.

From my experiences, it has always been through the small ways that the Lord has shown me His love. I love Him, and I know He loves all of you as well, so don't miss the small signs!

Oh and Elder James will be leaving Thursday..... We experienced some incredible things together, and it will be really sad to see him go (the 4 man will never be the same), but the things he taught me will stay with me forever. And I will be receiving Elder Purahui, another Tahitian! It will be a great 6 weeks.

And thanks everybody for your support with the live Facebook discussion! We will continue to figure out better and more effective ways to teach with the tools we have received, so thanks again for your feedback! I love you all, and make this week awesome! 

Elder Wilson

We moved a massive fridge out of a stairwell with minimal casualties. Il faisait chaud...

Elder James working on the setup for the Facebook video.

Canada is beautiful!

Missionary work makes even the hardest of floors feel like a cloud.

You are only a real Haitian if you drink this Haitian malt stuff that Elder Amichia is holding. People always think that he can speak Créole when they see him.

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