The one and only Jean Sand Ford. |
Hello des gens!
Mudda je vois que tu veux nous faire grossir haha. I was struggling to get that sentence written in English, but your package was appreciate by the 4 man and the people we are teaching!
Today I wanted to share an incredible story from an incredible man I met in Laval named Halim. We met him when we decided to knock on his door (he had some sweet America shorts on with stars and everything haha) and he immediately invited us in for water. We sat down on his bed and listened to him explain his life. He was born in Algeria, and all of his family are of the Muslim faith. He has a beautiful family, and 3 kids in their early 20`s. He also believes in Jesus Christ.
He said that he had always felt drawn to pray in the name of Christ, and so naturally he started studying and following Christ in his life. As a result he ended up being rejected from his family and even his country. His wife divorced him and his children are still in Algeria. He has no connections here in Canada and he has lived alone for 12 years.
He proceeded to tell us that that day was especially hard for him, and his boss saw him and just told him to go home early and take a break. He came home early and started to search for a Christian church he could go to to pray at. At that moment, my inspired companion knocked on his door, and he knew with a certainty that God had sent us to him. This Sunday he happily went to church at Laval.
While speaking with Halim, it was easy to ask myself some questions. What am I willing to sacrifice to follow Jesus Christ? What was Jesus Christ willing to sacrifice for us? How can a man who had no real understanding of Jesus Christ come to love and appreciate Him so strongly?
The answers differed, but at that moment the love I felt for that man and for my Savior Jesus Christ was overpowering. Halim's bedroom became holy ground. He knew where he wanted to go because he knew who he follows.
President Monson cited Alice in Alice in Wonderland, "Which path shall I follow," and the Cheshire cat, "That depends where you want to go. If you do not know where you want to go, it doesn't matter which path you take." (The Three Rs of Choice, Thomas S Monson).
I can testify with certainty and with my brother Halim that I know who I follow and where I want to go. I know that by following Jesus Christ we can be happy and have hope to be with Him eternally. I hope you all choose to follow Him today.
Sorry I didn't talk too much about the week, but I have some pics for vous autres:
All real Quebecois have their own tractors, so I got mine. |
When Canadians really don't want to see you they remove their stairs... But nothing stops Elder Smith haha. |
Elder Eggenberger |
Life is always interesting with Elder Hall haha. |